Name That Dollar

It’s been a while since my last post and now I’m back. I had to finish up a class and re-evaluate my finances. I like going over my finances because it allows me to see what’s working and what isn’t. It also tells me where I need to improve and where I don’t. I’ve also been doing a lot of research into investing and real estate. I don’t really want to touch on that tonight because I want to make this post about debt and budgets. Budgets are not fun, but they are necessary. I never made a budget when I was younger; I just lived on what I have. Now I like to see where my money is going and where I can squeeze more into savings, then investments. I made a budget before but it was tough to stick to so I sort of avoided it not knowing how much damage that can do. I have to give Dave Ramsey credit for helping me get back on track. With his resources and great speeches, I realize that a lot of people give up on their budgets. He goes on to even say that budgets don’t usually work for the first couple of months. I’m on the second draft of mine so I’ll see what kind of adjustments I have to make. At first I made my budget on Microsoft Money but maybe that’s another reason why I didn’t stick to it. It wasn’t simplified and customized to my life. So what I now use is Dave Ramsey’s Cash Flow Plan sheet. It’s pretty easy to fill out and read so it’s great for my wife and me.
I can’t stress how important it is to make a budget. I know how you may feel when making one. It’s tough to see what you spend your money on. It’s tough to see your money come and go. Some of us are even afraid to see where we stand when it comes to our finances; I know I was at first. But think out your future, family and retirement. We need to make a budget if we are to be financially free. Like I said before, I was one of those people who believed I didn’t need a budget. When I was working at a grocery store as a teen, I had no idea where my money was going. Ask my cousin Nick; he’ll tell you. As I got older though, I had to learn the hard way, by not having any money.
Wondering where your money is going? Never had enough money at the end of the month? Is your car broken down and you don’t have the cash to fix it? YOU NEED A BUDGET!
Click Below to Get the Cash Flow Sheet for FREE!!
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