The Rock and the View

Yesterday, I tried an indoor rock climbing event at Bass Pro Shop and I got to tell you, I was a little scared at first. My wife actually did it first because she's more of the roller-coaster thrill type of person where I'm the type just trying to stay alive and not give death any help. But yesterday as she was on the rock I could easily see where she needed to put her hand and foot next where she could not. I was like "right there, don't you see it". She had a different prospective which made it much more difficult. I wasn't planning on doing it until I saw that she didn't make it all the way to the top and i figured "I'll show her!" So as I started, I had the same difficulty. I couldn't see what my next step would be but she easily did. Of course I made it all the way to the top on the intermediate level and maybe a quarter on the hard one. From the top, I had a cool view of the store and watched as people looked up to me. Anyways, as always I tried to relate this to getting rich. This was my attempt:
So many of us see the path to getting rich as a huge mountain to climb. Others who have accomplished this write books and videos to tell us which step to take next. The paths and rules they give us seem pretty easy on paper, but when you get on that rock it's not as easy as it seems. It takes courage and some amount of risk. Robert Kiyosaki says that there isn't such thing as a risky investment just risky investors. I had to think about this a moment because sometimes it's really simply to see an investment that can risky. Then I realized that what he [Robert] was talking about; only the risky investor would take on such risks. If you plan and do your research, you should know what type of investor you are. Which gets paid more? Obviously the riskier ones but then you are doing more gambling than investing. So, are you willing to climb that rock and enjoy the view? It's not easy although many protray it as so, but the benefit of accomplishment might just be worth it. I'm not here to say how easy it is because I myself am not rich. So are you going to climb that mountain with me? Read those books and get your rope ready because Here we Go!
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