My Path to Getting Rich

This is my blog about my journey to financial freedom.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

"Try This Card"

One thing to remember about getting your oil changed done at Walmart is to stay out of the store. That's how they get you to spend more. You pay a cheaper price for the service because they are betting on you spending the difference in the store. I'm not faulting Walmart, it's a smart tactic, but if you are like me and trying to cut down on your expenses then it's best to stay out. We dropped the car off and walked around the area because it was a very nice day.

When I went back to check out, there was a woman there that was in line before me checking out. I was kinda in a rush to go to work so I was wondering what was taking so long. I stepped aside and say that she was trying all her credit cards. All she kept saying was "Try this one.". I could see the cashier getting fustrated but what could she do. This made me think about how much others are struggling. I won't deny that I have been there. I've tried using cards until I found the one that worked... it's sad. We get into so much debt that we just keep on piling it on so we can support ourself. Without even thinking about it, we pull out that credit card saying "Oh, I'll pay it off this month." knowing darn well we can't once we've used it once, twice, and three times. It adds up. Studies show that only 40% of Americans pay off the balance every month and for sure that woman wasn't one of them. When I say this all unfold, it made me realize how much of a need there is for more education. I got a passion to beat this and a passion to help others beat it to.

Next time you go to the store, make sure you use cash for the small living purchases. That $3 here and $10 there will end up costing you hundreds of $$$. Don't take 2 years to pay off that oil change!! Use what you work for....CASH.



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